Peace Track Initiative Protection and Advocacy officer Azal Al-Salafi briefed the UNSC Members during their session on Yemen in June 2022
Azal Al-Salafi Protection and Advocacy Officer Peace Track Initiative Briefed the UNSC on Yemen on behalf of the Peace Track Initiative and the Women Solidarity Network, which includes more than 350 Yemeni women leaders inside and outside the country.
Yemen CEDAW Joint Submissions 2021
A joint submission to the CEAW Committee was prepared by the Peace Track Initiative with Members of the Women Solidarity Network and supported by the International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom.
How can Canada Support Feminist Peace in Yemen?
PTI submitted a contribution to Women, Peace and Security Network – Canada (WPSN-C’s) CNAP review on How can Canada Support Feminist Peace in Yemen.
Our joint Statment with WILPF during HRC48: Statement on Yemen
The statement covered the report of the group of eminent experts to Yemen as well as stressing the importance of inclusive peace in Yemen.
Peace Track initiative director informally briefed UNSC members during Open Arria Formula Meeting, March 2021
Rasha Jarhum, Director of Peace Track Initiative and founding member of the Women Solidarity Network has delivered a brief to the UN Security Council members. The Briefing focused on women’s inclusion in UN-led peace processes.
Our joint Written Statement with WILPF during HRC46: Statement on Yemen
The statement focused on giving the council updates on the situation in Yemen focusing on the impact of COVID-19 and the continues fights in Marib.
كل ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول خطة العمل الوطنية اليمنية للمرأة والسلام والأمن
بمناسبة الاحتفال بالذكرى العشرين لاعتماد قرار مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة رقم 1325 بشأن المرأة والسلام والأمن، انضمت اليمن أخيرًا كخامس دولة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا لتطوير خطة عمل وطنية. في هذه الورقة، نسلط الضوء على الفجوات والتحديات، ونقدم توصيات للمضي قدمًا في تنفيذ الخطة بنجاح.
Yemen’s WPS National Action Plan
As the world celebrates the 20th 2020 anniversary of the United Nations Security Council resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, Yemen has finally joined as the fifth country in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to develop a National Action Plan (NAP). In this paper, we shed light on gaps and recommendations to move forward in implementation.
Our Joint Written Statement With WILPF during HRC45: Statement on Yemen
The statement provided recommendations to the group of eminent experts to Yemen as well as echoing some of their recommendations that focused on women’s rights.
A lexicon on hate speech in Yemen
PeaceTech Lab, Peace Track Initiative, and Development Transformations have partnered to produce “Yemen: A Lexicon of Hate Speech Terms” which is a tool that stakeholders can use to identify and curb the use of specific hate speech terms on Yemen’s social media platforms to help bring an end to violence.