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Afraa Hariri


Yemen Country Director, based in Aden, Yemen



Afraa Al-hariri is a lawyer and a human rights defender. She is was a member of the Women’s Technical Advisory Group of the Special UN Envoy Office in Yemen. She was a member of the National Dialogue Conference in the Transitional Justice Group. Afraa is an expert in drafting constitutional and legal documents, and a consultant on rights and politics. She is a trainer in various fields, including protection mechanisms, international contractual and non-contractual mechanisms, transitional justice, UN Resolution 1325 and its complementary resolutions, and international human rights. She has extensive experience in leadership, in preparing policy papers, shadow reports, violence against women and children, advocacy campaigns, and in gender. Through PTI work, she supported the Yemen government to localize Women, Peace and Security National Action Plans in four governorates.  

Al-Hariri was the first to set up the first shelter in Aden for women released from prisons and those exposed to violence with their children. She was the first woman in the legal protection project for victimized women of violence in Yemen. She was awarded a Courage Certificate from the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2008. She has a TOT certificate for training and strengthening civil institutions. Al-Hariri has a leading role in the Southern Peace Movement since 2007 and has legal precedence in stopping the death penalty by stoning.

Afraa holds a BA in Law and a Diploma in Feminist Studies and a Master’s Degree in Feminist Studies focusing on Gender commitments International frameworks and constraints to reflect it in national legal provisions. Afraa is also a writer of legal and political articles.